The majority of our clients are independent, fee-only financial advisors, authors, and speakers.

Many have gone the “employee” route only to find it frustrating, time consuming and costly (see our Employee vs. Outsourcing page). They come to us seeking a new way to work that will allow them the freedom to continue to pursue their vision for a growing business without worrying about employee costs and issues.

If you are interested in growing your company without the hassles of adding employees, we would welcome the opportunity to talk with you. Click on the link below to schedule a conference call with our office.

Schedule a Conference Call

" I value your service for its timeliness, your ability to remember periodic tasks so I don't forget them, the huge variety of services you offer, and your open-mindedness to trying new things. As a small business owner, Total Office is one of the best discoveries I've ever made!"

Client since 1997

David J. Drucker, MBA, CFP
Author, Columnist and Financial Advisor
Albuquerque, NM

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