That’s a Wrap!

That’s a Wrap!

Another TOI team meeting in the books On Friday, February 7, 2025, we gathered at Galaxy Restaurant in Wadsworth, OH for our 1st quarterly team meeting of 2025. As usual we had a great time and we got in some important training, laughs and fun. Our morning started off with a ‘social hour’ so everyone could…

Celebrating 32 Years
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Celebrating 32 Years

As we settle into the month of October, I am reminded of what a special time of year this is for me [Sherry]. You see, it was 32 years ago that I acted on a longtime vision of servicing clients all over the country while working from my office in Ohio. Personal computers and the internet were not readily available at that time and the word “virtual” hadn’t been coined yet. How was it going to happen? God only knew!

Q & A with Total Office, Inc.
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Q & A with Total Office, Inc.

When we talk to our advisors during check-in calls, many times they tell us how much they love our Instagram and Facebook posts of the “behind the scenes” activities of their TOI team. So, for this month’s blog, we thought we would bring you into our world and show you some of the things our team has been up to in August.

We hope you will enjoy it. – James and Sherry

Real or Fake?
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Real or Fake?

Real or Fake? Recognizing a scam and best practices to protect yourself and your clients.

It is no secret that cyber-crimes are on the rise. With AI on the scene, it is easier than ever for cyber-criminals to create convincing correspondence and documents to facilitate scams. It can be incredibly difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

We are highlighting two of the most common types of scams that we encounter here at Total Office, Inc. (TOI) and sharing red flags and best practices that could help you recognize a scam and protect yourself and your clients.

 2024 Cloud Storage and File Sharing Platforms Review
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 2024 Cloud Storage and File Sharing Platforms Review

It’s been three years since our last review on cloud storage and file sharing platforms. With so many updates and platforms to choose from, we knew it was time for another review of the most common cloud storage and file sharing platforms that we work with every day. For those that are searching for a…

James and Dave trash picking

Employee Spotlight

On Earth Day last month, our COO, James Carnahan (shown above in the Aussie hat) and volunteers from Riverkeepers Ohio, set out on Ohio’s waterways to clean up trash and debris from Summit Lake and the Tuscarawas River near where they live.

Riverkeepers Ohio was formed after James discovered and reported a major oil spill in the Tuscarawas River on July 6, 2023 while on his way to his favorite fishing hole. He went back two days later only to discover that the spill was actually more extensive than anyone thought.