Q & A with Total Office, Inc.

At the beginning of August we held our third quarter team meeting. As many of you know, we use these meetings as a time for our entire staff to come together for some camaraderie as well as time for training and to discuss their work with others in their peer group. It is a key component of continuing to maintain and improve the service we provide you.
This month, aside from laughing, eating and having fun, we did some impromptu Q & A videos where we asked the team some of the most asked questions from clients and prospects. To our surprise, making these practice videos ended up being a lot of fun and full of laughs. There were a lot of “bloopers” and clearly we need to sharpen our recording skills, but for fun, we thought we would share one of them. The question asked, is one that we receive often during prospect calls so we thought you would find it of interest. Enjoy!
Question: Have you ever had involvement in helping an advisor with an audit?
Your Total Office, Inc. Team
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